We offer RMB Time Deposit and Foreign Currency Time Deposits in 10 different currencies.
Interest Rate
- Please refer to application form of specific account for final terms and conditions.
- Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. reserves its right to modify or adjust the interest rate of foreign currency deposit accounts at its sole discretion.
- All the return rates and interest rates are rates before tax. Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. will withhold and pay interest tax on your behalf according to relevant regulations.
- Investors investing in non-local currency denominated products should be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal when converting non-local currency to local currency.
- The principal and interest will be calculated and credited to saving account or settlement account upon maturity or rollover according to the agreed instruction. Interest amount upon maturity = principal * annualized interest rate * actual number of days of deposit / year base. For early withdrawal of the time deposit before maturity, the interests of the early withdrawal deposit shall be calculated based on the Bank’s saving account deposit interest rate on the date of the withdrawal and number of days of deposit, interest amount = Withdraw amount * number of days of deposit * Saving account interest rate / year base. The amount of time deposit shall be changed into the remaining balance after the early withdrawal, and the interest accrual period and interest rate shall remain unchanged. Year base vary by currency: with CNY, USD, EUR, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD and CHF being 360 days, GBP, HKD and SGD being 365 days, not affected by leap years. Time deposit cannot be early withdrawal on public holidays or related currency holidays.